1. Soyjak torture mask (1800) — Germany
This tool functions to blind serious criminals. The eyes of this mask are equipped with sharp screws that can be pushed slowly by turning the lever. This torture device aims to slowly cause excruciating pain and then permanently damage the convict’s eyes. Just imagine how painful it would be to be tortured slowly with this tool, it’s really terrible.
2. Virgin of Nuremberg The Maiden (1400) — Jerman
From the appearance alone this tool is sure to give you goosebumps. The way to use this torture device is to put the convict in it and then close the door slowly. Finally, the convict’s body will be pierced by sharp iron punctures in it and there is no possibility of survival. Since the creation of this tool, apparently not a single convict has been executed with this tool. Maybe this tool is considered too excessive.
3. The Chair of Torture (1500) — Middle East
Just imagining it was terrifying. This torture tool was used by people in the 1500s in the Middle East to torture criminals. The defendant was forced to sit and tied to the chair until he was left to bleed. What a terrible instrument of torture. However, apparently the damage caused by this chair was not as big as the previous torture device.
4. The Breast Ripper (1500) — Jerman
This breast ripping tool is used to punish women who are caught having aborted a child or committing adultery. The effect of this tool will make permanent damage to the breast. So that the breasts of a defendant will become intangible again. This tool is usually heated first until it’s H๏τ and then used to tear the defendant’s breasts.
5. Pear of Anguish (1600) — Eropa
This iron pear was used to punish women and men who were homoSєxual. This iron pear will be inserted into a woman’s genitals or a man’s anus. After the iron pear is inserted, the screw is turned to open the pear into 3 parts which will pierce the inside of the genitals or anus. Apart from being inserted into vital organs, this tool can also be inserted into the defendant’s throat to damage the neck from the inside.
Those are 5 ancient torture devices that were scary and inhumane. It seems that in ancient times human rights were not so well enforced that there was no question at all about using this tool to torture or kill criminals. The existence of torture tools like this can actually be a bad thing or a good thing, the good thing that comes from these tools is that they can make people afraid of committing crimes. On the other hand, the bad thing about this tool is if the defendant who has been executed turns out to be the victim of a wrong arrest or false accusation.